Proprietary devices and test series
100% uniquely designed equipment park that allows full measurement of cognitive abilities, personality traits, and psychomotor skills.
Objective, data-based measurement and evaluation
Sensors and sensors available on physical devices are always able to record and evaluate data with the same accuracy, regardless of the conditions of the measurements.
User-friendly design and relevant test series
Only what is clear can provide effective help! In addition to the easy-to-use device, the measurement test series can also be flexibly tailored to the job position or manufacturing process.
The data collected during the measurement is analyzed by the system using machine learning methods that use artificial intelligence.
Measurement = understanding!
The data collected during the measurement is evaluated by a self-learning algorithm. For the employer and employee, it is summarized in the form of a transparent, graphical report card.
Automation Thanks to the tool-based design of PractiWork®, the abilities of 15-20 employees can be measured at the same time, with the participation of just 1 measurement leader.