Selecting the right workforce is vital for every organization. It ensures that the organization has the professionals whose work allows the organization to effectively achieve its goals. Good selection ensures that new employees can perform their jobs quickly and efficiently, which significantly reduces the organization's costs. PractiWork® assists in this process.

Results achievable through our objective, hardware-based measurement and training:

Reduction in turnover among new entrants:
Recruitment is most costly when new employees do not stay with the company. PractiWork® helps reduce the selection risk by identifying applicants who are truly worth the investment, are motivated, and committed to the company in the long term.
Increase in productivity efficiency:
Employees developed specifically based on the abilities and skills measured by PractiWork® are capable of consistently higher performance and more efficient cooperation, all without physical and psychological harm.
Surer retention of existing employees:
Loyalty is a rare commodity today, so it is important to pay special attention to committed employees. Although the retention process starts with conscious selection, regular assessments of existing employees are essential. Our ability measurement predicts the risk of burnout, allowing management to intervene early to retain irreplaceable labour.
Reduction in manufacturing defect rate
Assess your new and existing employees and compare them to your top 20 performers! By selecting and developing employees whose abilities are similar to the best, manufacturing loss and defect rate can be significantly reduced.
PractiWork®'s tool-based measurement can examine what is not visible or tangible to the naked eye. This requires the following:

Proprietary devices and test series
100% uniquely designed equipment park that allows full measurement of cognitive abilities, personality traits, and psychomotor skills.

Objective, data-based measurement and evaluation
Sensors and sensors available on physical devices are always able to record and evaluate data with the same accuracy, regardless of the conditions of the measurements.

User-friendly design and relevant test series
Only what is clear can provide effective help! In addition to the easy-to-use device, the measurement test series can also be flexibly tailored to the job position or manufacturing process.

The data collected during the measurement is analyzed by the system using machine learning methods that use artificial intelligence.
Measurement = understanding!
The data collected during the measurement is evaluated by a self-learning algorithm. For the employer and employee, it is summarized in the form of a transparent, graphical report card.

Automation Thanks to the tool-based design of PractiWork®, the abilities of 15-20 employees can be measured at the same time, with the participation of just 1 measurement leader.

PractiWork® supports decision-making

As a CEO, factory director
you can foresee how productivity indicators can be increased with training. Our goal is to allow you to fulfill more orders within a given time, at the same standard.
As an HR leader
it helps to make human resource management processes more conscious. We provide a complete picture of the applicants, showing those who can be relied on for effective performance and loyalty in the long term.
As a shift leader
it helps show who should be developed in which area to ensure production operates without delays, with less manufacturing loss. It highlights those employees within the company who, based on their personal attitude and proactivity, are reliable and can be involved in, and promoted to, roles with greater responsibility.

PractiWork® as an objective measurement of person-job fit

The concept of person-job fit describes the harmonious alignment between the person and the work environment. This can greatly contribute to job satisfaction and effective work performance. It is important for people who are currently looking for work, especially those at the beginning of their professional careers, but it can also help employers find the right people for their jobs.

Let's take a closer look at this concept!

The theory of person-job fit
This theory emphasizes several important factors needed for the workforce to succeed in their workplace.

How can a concept be made operational?

This requires two steps:
Both require valid and reliable methodologies that generate data with which we can determine the degree of fit.
Cognitive abilities are important in almost every job position and play a fundamental role in how well an employee fits their role. However, if we only measure these abilities, significant deficiencies arise in the assessment, as we ignore those job positions that also require manual skills and abilities.
That is why PractiWork® started. A combination of hardware, software, and brainware designed and created in-house that we continuously develop. The PractiWork® touchscreen central unit can be connected to two devices, the Control Board and the Workpad.
These allow for accurate measurement of cognitive and psychomotor skills and provide equal opportunities for everyone. Interactive, adaptive, and immersive practices help us collect valid and objective data about a person's behavior.
PractiWork® analyzes an individual's or even a group's cognitive and fine motor skills, abilities, attitudes, and interests. By analyzing the large amount of data collected, we also uncover hidden correlations and patterns.

But what does „OBJECTIVE evaluation” mean?

Objective evaluation means determining the degree of fit at each workplace based on concrete, measurable data, rather than subjective impressions. The PractiWork® system provides this kind of objectivity: it uses precise, data-based methods to assess how well a person meets the various job position expectations.
Thanks to this, the system recommends a job position for each user where they can perform best based on their abilities and characteristics. It is also a great advantage for employers, as it not only helps determine whether a candidate is suitable for a specific position but also in which other job positions they could be effectively employed.

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+36 21 345 7060details@practi.work1037 Budapest, Jablonka út 103.
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