The goal of the PractiWork® system, based on the content elements of O*NET, is to examine the fit of the person using the system to various job positions, based on a total of 175 individual characteristics, with unique hardware measurement.
The system includes tests related to the following major groups:
  • Abilities: Abilities defined in the O*NET system can be classified here, their measurement is based on the descriptions in O*NET. However, the PractiWork® system differs from the standards defined in O*NET at certain points. PractiWork® has its own, objectively measured standards in the case of psychomotor abilities, therefore it does not use the standards collected with the O*NET questionnaire in these cases.
  • Basic skills: Basic skills defined in the O*NET system can be classified here.
  • Interest: The O*NET system uses the Holland system to describe interest. The PractiWork® system is based on the Holland model and its critique by Hansen & Wiernik. Thus, the work interest appearing in the PractiWork® system can essentially be described as a further development of the Holland model.
  • Work style: The O*NET has integrated personality traits into its model under the name of work style. The PractiWork® system uses the traditional term personality traits for these constructs. The personality traits used in the O*NET model can be paralleled with the five-factor model of personality („Big 5”).
  • The PractiWork® system uses the six-factor model of personality (HEXACO). Another novelty of the system is that it can classify job positions based on the extent to which a certain personality profile is necessary for a particular job position, using machine learning methods. The PractiWork® system divides job positions into 16 major groups, and is capable of predicting, from nearly 1000 job positions, which would best match an individual's key personality traits.
The first step in addressing the challenges reported by the workforce is getting to know the workforce, which can be done with objective measurement methods. However, this step should be followed by a consulting process during which participants can use the information in a way that is beneficial for themselves. This is what the PractiWork® consultation days serve.
The novel approach of the PractiWork® consultation days is that it combines traditional consulting methods with the tools developed by PractiWork®, with which we perform measurements and objectively evaluate the assessed data.
It is crucial for group leaders to maximize effective work performance and group performance. In a dynamically changing work environment, it is essential for leaders to have the tools to assess and develop the abilities of group members and understand various group processes.
With the help of PractiWork®, group leaders can get a picture of which group members have the skills and abilities necessary for successful performance.
Using the results, group leaders can provide more personalized support to group members. By highlighting strengths and identifying potential areas for development, leaders can improve group dynamics.
By better understanding group members' abilities and preferences, they can more easily create a group structure and workload distribution that optimizes performance and promotes harmonious cooperation. Additionally, they are more likely to recognize signs of burnout.
The main content of the consultation:
  • The role of workplace skills, abilities, and personality traits in performance
  • The concept and importance of job fit
  • The role and importance of objective assessment of skills and abilities
  • Completing the PractiWork® capability assessment tests, understanding the experience of measurement, and how it can enhance workplace commitment
  • Understanding the PractiWork® measurement methodology
  • Understanding the results of the PractiWork® system
  • The practical usability of the PractiWork® results
  • Understanding the result sheet
The main goal of the consultation is to familiarize group leaders with the advantages of using an objective measurement system. Leaders can learn the measurement methodology, its results, and its usability, for example in training design, career planning, or potentially recognizing burnout predictors.


For participants: they can become better leaders, which enhances their sense of competence and appreciation.
For the company: contributes to the professional development of middle managers, thereby increasing the company's competitiveness and success.
We recommend:
The continuously changing environment of modern workplaces, constant competition, and new challenges can significantly strain both employees and workplaces. Employees may experience significant stress when tasked with duties for which they do not have the appropriate personal background. This can stem from being underqualified as well as overqualified.
During the mental health-focused consultation day, the PractiWork® system will identify stress sources stemming from the employee's personal characteristics, providing an opportunity for a well-timed intervention to prevent serious problems.
The assessment and consultation help create well-performing groups and a healthy work environment, which reduces absenteeism, sick leave, and turnover, and assists the organization in creating a positive image.
The main content of the consultation:
The consultation lasts 5 hours and covers the following topics:
  • The role of workplace skills, abilities, and personality traits in performance
  • The concept and role of workplace stress
  • The concept and importance of job fit
  • Completing the PractiWork® capability assessment tests
  • Interpreting the most important results related to workplace mental health
The main goal of the consultation is to educate participants about various potential sources of stress, primarily those arising from task performance, and the possibilities for managing them. Thus, the consultation can contribute to improving employees' workplace performance by helping them achieve a mentally healthier and more balanced state.


For participants: they can become better leaders, which enhances their sense of competence and appreciation.
For the company: contributes to the professional development of middle managers, thereby increasing the company's competitiveness and success.
We recommend:
Onboarding, or the process of integrating new employees, is crucial for effective and successful employee integration. Therefore, facilitating this process is important for both employees and employers, as the benefits are mutual.
Onboarding is not just an administrative process but a strategic tool that contributes to the successful integration of employees and the achievement of corporate goals. Investing in the integration of new employees can enhance both employee satisfaction and the company's efficiency and success over the long term.
Using the PractiWork® methodology, it is possible to determine how an employee's personal characteristics may best facilitate their fit into specific job roles or workgroups.
A well-supported onboarding process helps employees integrate faster, turning them into full team members in a shorter period. This boosts employee confidence and aids in relationship building. A well-organized, thoughtful integration program demonstrates that the company values and supports its employees, which increases workplace commitment.
The main content of the consultation:
The consultation lasts 5 hours and covers the following topics:
  • - The role of workplace skills, abilities, and personality traits in the onboarding process
  • - The concept and importance of job fit in the onboarding process
  • - Completing the PractiWork® capability assessment tests
  • - The transferability of uncovered characteristics into the onboarding process
The main goal of the consultation is to help new employees quickly and effectively perform the tasks associated with their job roles.


For participants: they can become better leaders, which enhances their sense of competence and appreciation.
For the company: contributes to the professional development of middle managers, thereby increasing the company's competitiveness and success.
We recommend:
Every organization's long-term success depends on the performance of its employees. Therefore, it is vital that the organization finds and retains those employees who can consistently achieve high performance. How can employees' motivation be enhanced?
This is where the PractiWork® supported self-knowledge consultation day comes in. The goal of the day is for employees to get an accurate picture of themselves, their abilities, skills, strengths, and areas for improvement, both physically and mentally. The process lends to the training methodology, with significant emphasis on expert feedback and cognitive processing.
The focus of the consultation is self-knowledge, facilitated by the PractiWork® measurement method. However, such an occasion is not equivalent to a full self-knowledge session; its purpose from an individual perspective is to initiate self-reflection and strive for a more conscious life, with an objective understanding of one's competencies.
The main content of the consultation:
The consultation lasts 5 hours and covers the following topics:
  • The significance of self-awareness
  • Understanding the peculiarities of personal perception
  • Giving and receiving feedback
  • Developing self-awareness
  • The concept, role, and correlations of work interest with personality
  • The role of abilities and skills in work performance
  • Objective assessment of abilities and skills, and feedback on this
The main goal of the consultation is to help participants better understand their own personalities, strengths, weaknesses, values, and motivations. This improves their self-confidence, helping them set realistic goals related to their individual development.


For participants: they can become better leaders, which enhances their sense of competence and appreciation.
For the company: contributes to the professional development of middle managers, thereby increasing the company's competitiveness and success.

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