Career guidance in the 21st Century

Career guidance in the 21st Century


With the PractiWork® system, career guidance for students becomes simpler. We offer a solution that allows for quick and easy skills assessment, understanding of students' personalities and preferences, and successful career counseling.
Traditionally, the examination of work interest is a fundamental pillar of career counseling. However, our numerous research results suggest that this approach can carry risks. Data collected from a nationally representative sample suggest that the teenage population is characterized by a very low level of work interest.
Therefore, if we were to base the counseling process solely on work interest, we might find ourselves unable to offer suitable advice.
Therefore, while PractiWork® considers it important to examine work interest, it primarily focuses on skills and abilities. It recommends professions in which the respondent can perform well based on their skills and abilities. The goal is to broaden the possible range of valid career paths as much as possible. Following this step, individual preferences play an important role.


We collect data in the following areas with practical, adaptive, and immersive tests:
From a total of 175 characteristics determining successful job performance, we draw our conclusions using artificial intelligence methods and reference data, which we present in an interactive results report, in an understandable manner.

About the Scientific Background of PractiWork®

The PractiWork® evaluation system is a comprehensive and sophisticated tool for individual assessments, containing three key components. These together provide a holistic view of an individual's abilities, personality, and work-related interest. The components are based on well-established psychological theories, which enhance the reliability and validity of the evaluation process.
The first component of PractiWork® focuses on measuring abilities, starting from the Cattell-Horn-Carroll (CHC) theory of cognitive abilities. This theory is renowned for its nuanced approach to intelligence, which breaks it down into specific factors such as fluid reasoning, crystallized intelligence, and quantitative knowledge. Using this framework, PractiWork® assesses an individual's cognitive strengths and weaknesses, thus providing valuable insights into problem-solving abilities, memory, and analytical thinking.
The personality measurement, the second component of PractiWork® relies on the HEXACO model, which expands the traditional Big Five personality traits (openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and emotional stability) with a sixth dimension, honesty-humility. This comprehensive model provides a more detailed and nuanced picture of an individual's personality, revealing traits related to honesty, fairness, and humility. By incorporating the HEXACO model, PractiWork® ensures a thorough examination of personality traits particularly important in the workplace.
The third component of PractiWork® examines work interest, drawing inspiration from John Holland's theory of vocational preferences. According to Holland's theory, individuals can be classified into six personality types: Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, and Conventional (often referred to by the acronym RIASEC based on the initials of these components). By aligning an individual's work interest with the types from Holland's work, PractiWork® helps identify suitable occupational environments and roles that align with the individual's preferences and strengths.
Helping a young student decide their future is a good cause. Helping many at once is even better. The strength of PractiWork® really becomes visible when it does this, as we can measure up to 20 participants simultaneously with just one staff member present. Contact us for details!

How PractiWork® Helps

Helping a young student decide their future is a good cause. Helping many at once is even better. The strength of PractiWork® really becomes visible when it does this, as we can measure up to 20 participants simultaneously with just one staff member present. Contact us for details!

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