Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

About the PractiWork® System

PractiWork® (briefly PW) is a modern, complex system suitable for measuring individual abilities, skills, and personality traits. PractiWork® is a combination of special hardware and software designed for individual ability and skill measurement, data collection. It is an easy-to-use, user-friendly system that allows for distortion-free measurement within standard frameworks. The system ensures objectivity and a fair measurement process from presenting the tests to recording and evaluating the data.
The system can be used in any area where individual characteristics play a significant role. Without being exhaustive, it can provide invaluable help in the following areas:
  • Career orientation and counseling
  • Workforce selection
  • Training planning
Multinational companies, small and medium-sized enterprises, public organizations, and educational institutions can also use PractiWork® measurements. Additionally, individual measurements are possible.
If you wish to use our measurement and evaluation service as a business partner, there is an option for either renting or purchasing the equipment. Click here here for details and conditions about the two options.
If you would like to use the measurement coupled with consulting assistance for yourself, request an individual appointment here), or sign up for a PractiWORKshop event, you can find available slots here.
Depending on how the system is used, various options are available. For individual quotes, please call us or send us an email. You can find our contacts here. We are happy to assist you!

About the Methodology

The system examines a wide range of work-relevant characteristics:
  • Cognitive abilities
  • Psychomotor abilities
  • Personality traits
  • Work interest
  • Preferred working conditions
Special tests and tools are available for measuring each characteristic. The system currently examines 175 work-relevant characteristics, from which we can draw conclusions about the level of competencies needed for various job roles.
PractiWork® measures work-relevant abilities and skills with objective tests. The measurement process is standardized with tools, and so is the evaluation, thus ensuring equal opportunities for everyone.
The measurement sequence currently measures 175 characteristics of the respondent, which helps provide a comprehensive picture of the individual. Shortening the measurement sequence would result in a reduction in the number of characteristics examined, which could have numerous disadvantages.
If we do not comprehensively understand the individual, then factors that might enable outstanding performance in another role could remain hidden. Similarly, important but indirectly performance-related problematic characteristics may not be revealed, which could cause problems later.
If the measurement is not comprehensive, relationships essential for understanding the individual's operation may remain hidden.
The system currently enables the examination of nearly 175 individual characteristics, and this number is continuously expanding. Please contact us regarding your individual measurement needs, and our expert colleagues are happy to assist.
The O*NET program is a key source of occupational information in the USA. The O*NET database contains detailed, standardized descriptions of nearly 1000 occupations, continuously updated based on feedback from workers in various occupations. The database is freely accessible, thus providing comprehensive and up-to-date information on the labor market accessible to everyone.
The PractiWork® system is based on the O*NET database, examining the characteristics described by the O*NET model, thus focusing on the broadest possible range of work-relevant characteristics.
You can read more about the relationship between O*NET and PractiWork® here.
The system performs individual measurements, and currently, it is not possible to examine interactions among group members.
This depends on the measurement test series and the individuals filling them out. On average, a measurement takes about 2.5-3 hours.
The use of the devices is completely safe, and the system also fully complies with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
Following the measurement, the results of the tasks are evaluated and analyzed. The results are displayed on a result sheet, which can be of two types, depending on the purpose of the measurement:
  • Professional recommendation result sheet, which presents the professions that best match the individual based on the assessed characteristics
  • Professional fit result sheet, which shows the fit to pre-selected professions
The professional recommendation result sheet is issued when the primary purpose of the measurement is career counseling and orientation, while the professional fit result sheet is primarily recommended for workforce selection and training planning.
PractiWork® continuously follows - and anticipates - trends in selection. With up-to-date, relevant information gathering, using both international and local standards, it examines characteristics that can predict more than 1000 job successes.
PractiWork® provides career orientation support that was not possible with previous tools. The innovative solution allows for the use of information from large, international databases, not only measuring work interest but also abilities, skills, and personality traits. This opens up numerous possibilities for exploring the widest range of potential career paths.
Our research shows that work interest, especially among the youth, does not provide sufficient information for career orientation, as interest levels are very low, particularly in disadvantaged regions. Therefore, unlike traditional career orientation processes, PractiWork® focuses on abilities. This approach can bring professions into view that were not previously considered as options.
The result sheet is interactive, hence printing is not supported.
  • A printable file (e.g., PDF) can be easily edited, manipulated, whereas the content of the interactive result sheet, if it comes from the PractiWork® server, is authentic.
  • The interactive result sheet allows data to be displayed more comfortably and from various perspectives. Different filters can be applied to view the results from various aspects.
Over the past 8 years, we have conducted more than 20,000 measurements in both the public and multinational sectors.
Using PractiWork® offers several advantages for companies. Firstly, it reduces turnover by helping select the most suitable employees who can be long-term assets to the company. Furthermore, it increases productivity by identifying skill gaps and areas for development based on objective data, enabling targeted training. Regular evaluations contribute to the continuous improvement of existing employees' efficiency, thereby strengthening the company's competitiveness over the long term.
We measured and trained unemployed individuals in a disadvantaged region, then repeated the measurements immediately after the training and a year later. We compared the results with those employed as a reference. Significant improvements in the participants' results were noted both immediately after training and a year later, greatly enhancing their employment opportunities.
The study on the results can be viewed here:
You can learn more about our team here.

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Company name:
+36 21 345 7060details@practi.work1037 Budapest, Jablonka út 103.
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