About the results

About the results


The purpose of the individual result sheet is to provide a comprehensive picture of the characteristics and abilities of the person participating in the measurement. This result sheet is based on the data collected during the measurement and provides information in two ways. Below, we detail how the report can be used to support individual development and career choice.
Use the buttons below to access the results sheet samples:
Sample result sheet with vocation recommendationSample result sheet for professional fitting
The two result sheets are very similar in appearance, but while the specific profession fitting result sheet examines the individual's abilities in relation to a pre-determined job role, the vocation recommendation result sheet is exploratory in nature, showing as many job roles as possible on the result sheet.
The result sheet includes:


Group analysis reveals the correlations in various dimensions within the group: who in the group can be expected to perform exceptionally, who needs motivation but has good abilities, and who, for example, would be resistant to training.


PractiWork® Fit Index is a proprietary indicator developed by PractiWork®. It is based on the individual's performance on tests and the deviation from reference values found in the O*NET database. It is suitable only for intra-individual comparison, aiming to establish a ranking among professional recommendations, for example, if someone applies for two positions. It cannot be used to base comparisons between individuals, as it is not an objective indicator of individual performance!


The system played a key role in selecting middle managers and mentors at a large electronics industry company. The selection was based on four main criteria:
During the evaluation, we recommended employees who met all the criteria. For those who had deficiencies, we provided recommendations for necessary training. The management also found the employees recommended by the system suitable for the tasks, and later feedback confirmed that they were successful in their positions. Thus, the system and methodology have proven themselves in selecting middle managers and can be flexibly applied to any job position.

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