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Discover our SOLUTION based on UNIQUE HARDWARE and labour market DATA.
We provide GUIDANCE TO STUDENTS with a wide range of abilities to find the

Our skill assessment helps you in career guidance to make the best choice
Planning a career by YOUR SKILLS.

Do you know what you'll be when you grow up? No wonder you don't. In a rapidly changing labour market predictions are hard to make. Positions and jobs are constantly evolving. Existing professions are being replaced, disappearing or completely new ones are being created. It is a mystery what will happen in 5 years' time, or even next year.

Because of this a career guidance should focus on your interests and your own skills.

Based on our experience many students can not see clearly their future, but when we highlight their true potential they get a compass to find the right way.


What we do:

We measure what you are talented at and in which areas are you interested in. Based on the results, we'll show you which areas of activity match both your skills and your personality.

Show me the EXAMPLE evaluation sheet

How we do it?

the needs
Carrying out
the measurement**
Giving guidance
based on the results

* Minimum 20 and maximum 30 participants at the same time and place.
** If you are interested in becoming our distributor, it is also possible for you to rent the devices and carry out measurements for yourself. Contact us to find out more!


How can you measure what suits you?

Using tests to measure your skills and abilities:

  • Cognitive, logical and thinking skills
    We measure everything from thinking, logical reasoning, perception, attention skills and memory.
  • General math and reading comprehension skills
    Basic arithmetic tasks, as well as interpretation of written text and instructions, filtering information.
  • Dexterity and fine motor skills
    Measurement of limb coordination, hand stability and accuracy of aiming in interactive test tasks.

Using questionnaires to measure the personality and interests:

  • Identifying personality traits and characteristics
    Use of the 6 separate personality categories of the HEXACO model, recognised and used in personality measurement.
  • Monitoring of job and career interest
    Examination of the willingness to work in different work environments.

The whole measurement takes up 2.5 hours.

Learn more about the theories behind PractiWork®

The PractiWork® assessment system stands out as a comprehensive and sophisticated tool for evaluating individuals, incorporating three key components that collectively provide a holistic view of a person's abilities, personality, and work interests. These components are based on well-established psychological theories, enhancing the reliability and validity of the assessment process.

The first component of PractiWork® focuses on ability measurement, drawing from the Cattell-Horn-Carroll (CHC) theory of cognitive abilities. This theory is renowned for its nuanced approach to intelligence, breaking it down into specific factors such as fluid reasoning, crystallized intelligence, and quantitative knowledge. By utilizing this framework, PractiWork assesses an individual's cognitive strengths and weaknesses, providing valuable insights into their problem-solving skills, memory, and analytical reasoning.

Personality measurement, the second component of PractiWork®, relies on the HEXACO model, which extends the traditional Big Five personality traits (openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and emotional stability) by adding a sixth dimension, honesty-humility. This comprehensive model provides a more detailed and nuanced understanding of an individual's personality, exploring traits related to sincerity, fairness, and humility. PractiWork®'s incorporation of the HEXACO model ensures a more thorough examination of personality traits that are particularly relevant in the workplace.

The third component of PractiWork® assesses work interests, drawing inspiration from Holland's theory of vocational choice. Holland proposed that individuals can be categorized into six personality types: Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, and Conventional (often referred to as the RIASEC model). By aligning an individual's work interests with types based on Holland’s work, PractiWork® helps identify suitable occupational environments and roles that resonate with a person's preferences and strengths.

How does it work?

Career guidance typically begins with an assessment of an individual's skills, interests, and strengths. This information is then used to identify potential career paths that may be a good fit.
Final goal: help people acquire knowledge and experience necessary to identify career options

PractiWork® offers a unique solution for career guidance. Whether you are in school or in work, there is always a possibility to find the best fitting career path to you.

Why is it different from the other career guidance programmes?
The PractiWork® measurement doesn’t only rely on self-declaration, but it actively measures the different skills of the people, for example: hand eye coordination, cognitive skills, etc.
After the assessment is completed, the device will automatically collect the data and generate a detailed guide, containing a list of the most fitting careers to the individual.


Why is this device useful?

  • adaptive tests that are not self-administered but require increased interaction
  • immersive: tests engage the user and, although they require a relatively longer time to measure, they do not feel like a burden because of the experiential nature of the tests
  • data-driven: captures and analyses data immediately, objective
    uses the latest A.I. technologies
  • hardware-based: allowing measurement of psychomotor skills, more accurate data capture and equal opportunities for all
  • standardised: controlled, equal conditions, i.e. meets measurement requirements
  • provides immediate feedback (results)
  • high throughput
  • automated: guides the completer through the process
  • easy to carry and install
  • easy to understand language
  • based on a representative sample: more than 15,000 measurements from statistically relevant age bands and ability levels,
  • based on scientific principles


During our career guidance assessment and counselling you will learn

  • Which of the cognitive and logical skills you have been assessed as having outstanding talent, and which ones you should develop further.
  • What personality traits the questionnaire shows you have, and which skills support each of these values.
  • Which activities are of interest to you, which you can see yourself doing in the longer term and which are recommended in the light of your measured abilities.

So far, we have helped more than 3500 students set their academic and career goals!

PractiWork® for our customers

Skill measurement of students for career guidance.

Occasional or one-time measurement, PractiWork provides the personal and material conditions.

Conditions: Minimum 20 participants at the same time and place.

Duration: 2.5 hours / student (without preparation time)

Package contents: Selection of measurement test sequence, Provision of the skills measurement devices, Delivery, Configure devices, Conducting the whole measurement process, Handing over the evaluation sheets, GDPR compliant data handling

Contractor: PractiWork®

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B2B offer for distributors

Helping a young student to decide their future is a good cause. Helping a lot of them at the same time is even better. The power of PractiWork® comes when you do this, because we can measure even 20 participants simultaneaously with only one staff member. To make this possible, our partners can get access to the whole system in a B2B model. Contact us for the details, and remember: help everyone choose their path!

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Further training for teachers

Helping students to decide their future based on their measured parameters is our part. Giving advice, and helping to understand their decision is the teachers. This part of the process should be also as easy as taking PractiWorks measurement, so we give you the opportunity to take a grasp on such a task by guiding you through the whole process. Giving you all the materials and help that you need to successfully guide all your students. The training contains the usage of the system, understanding of the evaluation sheet and also a helping guide to get the best out of the students.

Are you interested in learning more about our academic and career suggestions?

If you would like to participate in a career guidance counselling session with a career orientation assessment, click the button below and register so that our colleague can contact you as soon as possible with the information you provide!

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